Saturday, October 19, 2013

Failenol Pie

It would be easy to say that 5 year olds shouldn't get migraines that make them vomit.  But way crappier things happen to 5 year olds all over the US and definitely all over the world.  I will be honest 'though, it was horrid and freaky to hold Sasha as she cried because her head hurt.  But I feel that this was a learning experience.  For instance, when Sasha first complains that her tummy hurts before complaining of head pain, don't bother giving her Tylenol because she's just going to throw it up along with everything else in her digestive tract. #failenol  It also reinforced the fact that we've got a great dog.  She escorted me around during vomit clean up, and didn't even try to eat any of it.  Such a good girl.

There are some definite upsides to all this.  Like if meds aren't going to work, all the better.  Meds have corn in them for the most part, and we may as well save the corn-free Tylenol for real scares, like another earache, God forbid.  And this was short, less than two hours start to finish.  Well, more or less.  After the bath, dinner, and headstands on the sofa, she said her head was hurting a little again.  I put a stop to the headstands and we talked about not overdoing things after a migraine.  But she's 5.  She's 5 and she's Sasha.  Thankfully she's asleep.  I do hope and pray that nothing comes back tomorrow, no pain or nausea or puke, and that nothing new pops up.  This is her second migraine in 4 months.  And for #casaespinoza, that is not a bad track record at all.  *shocked and horrified face*  Because what would we do if she ever needed meds?  Everything has corn in it, everything!  It would be an absolutely amazing blessing if she gets migraines like Grandma; infrequently, no prescriptions required, just pain, then vomit, then good to go.

Boy, the things you never think to pray for.  "Dear Jesus, please let Sasha get migraines like my Mom, instead of like me."  Dang, little bug just got out of bed...she can't sleep and her head hurts still, but just medium, and not super large like earlier.  She likes the music from The Devil Wears Prada, the movie Mom and I were watching.  We'll be switching to Happy Feet momentarily.  *sigh*  It could be so much worse.  Thank God it's not worse, and that the dog is here for a good snuggle, and that she doesn't eat vomit.  Such a refined palette.

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