Sunday, August 23, 2015

There is no aside

-Physical Therapy appointment for migraine (Sasha)
-Call Sasha's Neurologist and tell him that her migraines are getting progressively more frequent since switching meds.

-Physical Therapy appointment for migraine (Me)
-GP appointment so we can get Emily's Epi Pens refilled

I think the rest of the week is pretty clear tho.  In that time I need to dive headfirst into homeschooling Sasha for first grade since she's tanking again, and as always, keep processing summer food so she can eat all winter (fingers crossed).  Aw shit, I forgot about the phone calls I have to make regarding insurance mistakes about Em's last allergist appointment, and again, insurance mistakenly thinking Sasha has more insurance than she actually has.

^^^^^ All of this right here is why I fantasize about a swift and sudden car wreck taking us all out.  I would think only having 5 migraine rescue med days so far this month would really be helping things, and maybe it has been.  But being able to see things more clearly isn't always such a snappy thing, you feel?  I have not figured out how the special needs moms do it.  I would imagine there is some focus on the positive aspects of living life. *cricket, cricket*  I know it could be worse, it could always be worse.

I think probably the "invisible diseases" aspect of our live is hard.  You can't tell by looking at us that something is wrong.  You wouldn't know that Sasha can't drink bottled water or play outside for too long without having a reaction or getting a migraine.  You wouldn't know that I have to take a nap every day at the same time without fail (which is a hell of a lot harder than it sounds) or I get a migraine, or if I overexert myself I get a migraine, or if the lights are too bright or if it's too hot or if it's hormone week or if I get sick, I get a migraine.  You wouldn't look at us and know that none of us can eat the same foods without itching, having diarrhea, getting rashes, losing our minds, or going into anaphylactic shock.  So actually, all of This is why I fantasize about that swift and sudden car wreck.  That other stuff is just icing on the damn cake that no one can eat.

I don't know how the other special needs mom explain everything to everyone all the time.  I'm not even talking about ogling strangers, I mean just catching people up since it's so hard to keep up!  And also because our problems are so bizarre, some people can't seem to remember what I tell them anyway.  And then there's the doubters, the justification I sometimes feel the need to give.  You know, when people can't wrap their minds around your life, so you get the vibe that they're blaming you somehow, like maybe it's all in your head.  "Are you SURE?  Because (I have a friend who..., I read somewhere..., I found this website etc.)  I envy those who get to have normal conversations, like about where they went, what they did, and what they ate.  My god...

So all that aside, all, that, aside...