Friday, April 27, 2012

So, about that Zebra...

Part of me doesn't even want to write about it, to acknowledge it even happened.  But I of all people should know that powering through and ignoring it only makes it worse.  Still, when Emily told me this morning before school that her eyes hated the light, I ignored her at first.  But she kept complaining, and kept complaining.  By the time I went and looked at her because she said that her eyes really hurt from the (quite normal) amount of light in the room, her eyes were all puffy from squinting.  She looked miserable.  If you know Emily, you know she can take pain.  I finally sent her to my room to lay down, because my room is a deep dark hole.  It's also not like her to want to be by herself in a pitch black room.  A few minutes later when it was time to leave for schol, I found her in there laying still, submerged in the covers.  *commence head shaking*  None of this is good...

My mom tells me that my first migraine hit when I was 5.  All I remember is laying on the couch, in a blanket taco, and not moving.  I remember it happening a few times when I was a kid, my whole body feeling sick.  I don't remember any visual symptoms.  Emily is 5 1/2, and her head didn't hurt, her stomach didn't hurt.  Just her eyes, and just from the light.  A couple of hours later she started getting better, as in she could hold her head up as long as she kept the sunglasses on.  The rest of the day her eyes were still a little sensitive, but then she ran around the house and did normal Emily things.  Then in the evening, her eyes started hurting a little again so I gave her a little kid cold pack and sent her back to the dungeon for a bit.  She emerged better, and watched part of a movie before dinner.  Then off to bed, while I ponder today's implications.

Part of me wants to cry uncontrollably, to rant and scream and swear.  I mean, God, can they please NOT be neurologically debilitated?  Maybe I'm just on edge from the asparagus incident that happened...oh yeah, last F***ing Friday.  I don't want her school to think she's only truant on Fridays or something! I'm not going to feed her asparagus until the summer, I swear!  But this...and all I can do is offer sunglasses and a hat and a blanket to throw over her head, because we have to take sissy to school...

It feels like I'm standing against a wall, watching something weird and possibly sinister unfold.  Sasha's wheat and corn sensitivities were crazyville, but at least there was stuff to do, to throw ourselves into that made her all better.  This is a slap in the face, a brand on the heart, and a horrific watch and wait.  And you know, she might be fine.  This might be as bad as it gets.  I pray to God that this is as bad as it ever gets.  Em gets to skip school and have a low-light, Mommy-and-Me day, and Mommy gets to hide how freaked-the-hell-out she is.  Boom.


  1. Wow! Maybe reading these blogs in reverse was a bad idea.

  2. Haha! I could see that being interesting...(;
