Monday, September 17, 2012

30 days hath Sucktember

It would be easier to not write sometimes.  Well, nicer to NOT see the numbers all written down together in the same place at least.  At least on my phone the migraine journals are two pages apart, mine and Emily's, and it takes three pushes and two swipes to see all the migraines days that each of us has had in september so far.  September so far, so far to go...seventeen days in and I've had seven and she's had five, FIVE and that makes twelve between us.  But I've just had botox and we've both had colds and the weather's been migraine weather.  Mean.  Mean and uncalled for.  Sucky September.  Stupid September.  School Started, Pestilence Spread, Sky's Clouded September.

But, the botox will soon kick in.  And hopefully our bodies will recall our geographical location and realize that the artichokes adore the fog and the drizzle and get with the effing program.  It could be so much worse, we could live in morbid heat and humidity.  And if I'm going to be toast anyway and cough my head off (which of course triggers migraines) at least I got to play music yesterday, and maintain some callouses in the the ole' guitar fingers.  I didn't get to work on my 12 string like I wanted to, and had to play my old 6 string since my new 6 string needs the action lowered, but hey, no complaints here.  It's really really good to have something to do beside kids and food and ignoring the house.  I suppose not everyone walks around with a pack of 12 guitar strings in their purse.  But I kind of wish more women did.

There's a shortage of women guitar players.  I had one friend in Georgia who plays, and I have one friend here who plays a little.  I have some little cousins who play, and Em is learning the ukeulele.  There was one lady at church who played beside me, but she injured her wrist and is out for the foreseeable future.  I think that's it for female guitar players in my area code that I know, two of them aren't even in my area code anymore, and one is a 6-yr old learning the uke.  Why do women sing, play piano and violin, but not the guitar?  Violin is harder overall to play well, although guitar hurts your fingers more at first and is harder to push down on the strings, but then you can accompany yourself.  Taylor Swift plays guitar, Bonnie Raitt plays guitar, why don't more women play guitar?  Carol King plays piano...Hmm...

Music is good like laughing.  Probably the best prescription for me right now would be to sit around with some good friends, laugh, and play music.  The lovely intangibles.  You can record both laughter and music, but you can't bottle it to pour it on yourself.  It has to happen.  You can't purchase community.  Even with enough plane tickets,  you can't buy the day in and day out of your lovely friends from afar.  September may still be Salvageable.  The numbers would suggest that the last half of the month COULD NOT POSSIBLY be as bad as the first half.  And I have some lovely friends here I may yet get to spend time with, if not rock out with. (pardon my prepositions) Awesome August, Salvage September.  Ready, go.

1 comment:

  1. That last paragraph was quotably musical. Hold on to the music, my friend from afar...
