Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Irrelevant Tea

I dream of drinking tea again
I do know it will happen when
I have the energy to make
The trip from lip to cup and take
A sip, repeatedly in fact
Until the last drop's un-intact
And rested happily inside
my belly with its friends (and died).

I wonder if I'll be able to compose silly poems at the drop of a hat when I'm on less Topamax, or when I ever get off of it completely.  I know that was one of the side effects, that and inventing words.  That poem took maybe 60 seconds to compose.  I asked at my last appointment if we could lower the dosage but Beloved Neurologist wanted to wait until my next round of Botulism.  I'm not sure I'm going to make it.

I seriously just spent like, 20-30 minutes reading Honest Toddler stuff on fb.  It's hilarious, especially if you've ever had prolonged contact with a "spirited" toddler.  When I'm not researching my face off, I sometimes read funny things.  Man, I can literally feel sentences becoming harder to from.  Hehe..."form", not "from".  Making good sentences verbally is also a side effect, and I declare that writing and typing also are difficulte and what I menat to say what that speaking clearly and coherently becomes more difficult. *typos left in for emphasis*  **I did not add extra typos on puprose**

Um, what I meant was probably something along the lines of:
Blog Post
Not much is new
I like watching Giants Baseball
It's not the end of June yet so I'm still on schedule to feel better by the end of June.
Need to gain weight, Topamax not helping

I'll probably survive maxed out on Topamax, so long as I stop being in a constant state of migraine and make food and eat it.  Mmmmmmake food and eat it...

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