Do you know how much is awesome about this?!
1. It's extremely validating
2. We have ANWERS!!!
3. Most importantly and helpful, we have a plan. A plan! A PLAN!!!
Interestingly, we now have 4 sets of migraine, and 3 sets of opposing food allergies in-house. 3 of us are rocking migraine today, although mine is just the normal amount, and I am not on rescue meds so far, Hallelujah. But I feel so validated in finding out that chocolate indeed, has about the highest nickel content that a food can have on this green earth, hence why I can't eat it anymore without itching. Milk has a low nickel content, which is why it doesn't bother me, and why for the love of God, I am never cutting out of my diet again. *deep sigh of relief* I feel so incredibly validated because for the times I've cut it out and it has had no effect on migraine whatsoever except maybe an increase, now I effing know why. Which brings me to answers.
Nickel (Ni) has an atomic number 28 and is in all food everywhere, because you, me, the earth, and everything upon it is made of stuff containing in small part, nickel. Interestingly, Nickel comes from a German word for Satan. I am not making this up. And certain foods regardless of where or when they are grown, just suck up more nickel than others. This is not typically a problem is you're not allergic to nickel. This is not typically a problem is you ARE allergic to nickel. Enter #casaespinoza. You know, my Dad was allergic to nickel, and he loved chocolate, especially dark chocolate, which of course is the worst of the worst food you could possibly eat if you are trying to avoid nickel in your life. But he got all his amalgam fillings replaced, and was able to wear certain jewelry again after 20 years. Oh and still eat chocolate. I am so allergic to nickel that it seriously contributed to my C-sections. (anyone remember those huge, oozy welts and the full body rash I got when trying to have Emily, due to the nickel snaps in the hospital gown that somehow everyone missed despite my bright red bracelet proclaiming NICKEL ALLERGY? *shudder*) Ya, it turns out that pregnancy makes you more prone to absorbing the ever-present nickel in our effing earth. Which brings me to a plan.
Ok which almost brings me to a plan. I'm still scarred from the horrid reaction I had the snap in the robe. Oh man...I didn't even want pictures taken, because I didn't want to ever remember. Oh God...
So once you've developed a nickel allergy, you have it forever. [read: happiness gone] But there are several things you can do TO GET RID OF THE F***ING PERSISTENT ITCHING. I'm still researching the hell out of this as per protocol, but it looks initially like adopting a low-nickel diet for starters will help, because I was not eating weirdly enough, apparently. Also I guess taking vitamin C with every meal will help you NOT absorb the remaining nickel in the food. And there are some promising studies regarding zinc sulfate and nickel sulfate as far as decreasing sensitivity, and even some regarding getting what nickel there is already present in your body, out of your body.
Not that I ever expect to eat Chocolate, Grains (except rice), Leafy Greens, Canned Food, Dried Fruit, or Beans ever again. But having a reasonably severe nickel allergy Can I guess be related to fatigue and headache. Can I get a WTF are you kidding me, why has no medical professional ever told me any of this?! I already haven't worn jewelry in years, I have to wear gloves to do any sewing, I use bamboo knitting needles, and I have to buy the expensive coated guitar strings! Also, I had a big amalgam filling replaced to try to get the shit out of my existence when I couldn't use silverware anymore and it did help but seriously, I guess it was just the tip of the iceberg. And of course, I have the corn-allergy FB group to thank. (: Someone on there was talking about something else entirely and mentioned they they couldn't eat legumes due to their nickel allergy. Thus these revelations began...
You know, grad school is hard. [read:I graduated, but am clearly still learning things out the wazoo, and regularly teaching medical professionals] But if I can get better, if my family can get better, and if I can help anyone else suffering needlessly under modern medicine's lackluster regime, I will feel less depressed and suicidal. In fact I already feel better drinking my organic, full-fat milk, banana, blueberry smoothie.
Next up, talking to two neurologists on Monday, and making sauerkraunevermind, cabbage is a leafy green. But Sasha could use it for her gut health. So yes to making sauerkraut. Damn. We can...all eat...grass-fed beef...and safe fruit. The less satan the better. The less satan the better. You know, nuts have a lot of satan in them. Sometimes I wish I could feed nuts to Sasha. But the less satan the better... <-----some stuff about satan's copper aka: nickel
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