Saturday, July 12, 2014


There isn't much research into exactly how much nickel should be in a human brain.  But I do like numbers, so let's start there anyway.  12 days into July, I've only taken migraine rescue meds for 6 of those, one off and one on except for yesterday and the day before which was two in a row.  I shall expect to go two in a row sans meds to make up for it, except that I'm sauerkrauting tomorrow, shoot....  Anyway, I found out there was officially such a thing as a "low nickel diet" on July 3 and I've gotta tell you, I've been pooping awesome for at least the past 4-5 days!  This is a bit surprising to me since I've upped my milk intake considerably (from none to lots) and downed my leafy greens (from lots to none).  But as I have known more than most people ever want to hear about, you can't argue with food allergies.

Technically nickel allergy isn't a food allergy 'though, it's a complicated immune response, T-cells, yadda yadda, something or other.  And I'm still figuring out all the "safe" foods for me.  I don't think the pizza was probably a good idea, but after dealing with two days of migraine, and Mom going bonkers weeding things out on the patio, I was exhausted and hungry, and there was no rotisserie chicken in the house.  Of course now that I'm thinking clearly, I probably could have paid someone to just pick me up a rotisserie chicken and saved 20 bucks and some itching, but that's the nature of the disease. *texting mom that we need to buy a rotisserie chicken*  And here's the exciting part: I actually feel better.

Cruciferous veggies are on the lower end of things that absorb nickel, although there is quite a bit of variance according to what list you read.  So even with half my days being rescue med days, they are still more functional days than lately, when I've felt mainly useless.  Is there such a things as controlled psychotic urgency?  We have to make enough progress on the house to get a freezer in here.  I have to get better in order to source safe meat, fruits, and veggies.  I have to have energy to process said produce.  (by safe I mean corn-free)  ((by safe I also mean low-nickel))  (((by safe I also also mean not processed near nuts)))  Obviously the girls can stuff themselves with nickel except that I don't want them to develop an allergy and never eat chocolate again OMG.

Ok but back to Nickelbrain and why I have chronic daily migraine, ya.  I just have this theory, this fantasy, this pipe dream that maybe reducing how much nickel I eat will contribute to less frequent and severe migraine.  It has already led to better...water closet visitations.  And less itching when I don't eat pizza, banana, (which is low nickel but can aggravate an allergy WHY?!?) or those wonderful grass fed beef jerky sticks. (probably bc of the celery juice?)  I have a lot of trialing to do and a LOT of food to make.  Mom has already made me pumpkin cookies and pancakes without full-of-nickel baking soda or  powder.  Sauerkraut seems easy and is really yummy the way my aunt makes it. [read:bonus happy guts]

Oh, but why should less Nickelbrain equal fewer migraine days?  Well, I went on this raw food kick for about 3 weeks a few years ago.  I was eating maybe 70% raw, lots of veggies and fruits, tons of stuff from list I now avoid.  I actually felt really good, and had a lot of energy.  It was the best I had felt since high school!  But when the hormonal migraine hit, it didn't go away for a month, and that was the last time I went near that eating plan.  I talked to my neurologist about it and asked her if in feeling well and being active I had maybe worked some unknown substances into my brain, so that when the migraine Did come, my body way overreacted?  She looked at me calmly and said, "Of course."  And then when I asked if I should strap myself to a chair when I felt good she said,  "Life is a marathon..."  She was not joking!  Perhaps I came closer to the truth than I knew, and those "substances" I was shoving into my brain was just nickel.  Too dang much Ni28.

You know I never did try chocolate covered bacon.  But I don't even care, not even a little bit.  The thought of chocolate makes me itchy and slightly nauseated.  I think I will go have bacon with a side of fewer migraines please.  Oooooh, and Star Trek for dessert...

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