Friday, January 19, 2018

Oh you know. The freakshow.

Jesus ******* Christ.
I did not kick the girls' dad out of the garage.
Sasha is not going to be hospitalized this next week.
We are not upping Emily's meds yet because thankfully she has stopped being nauseated every day and has stopped projectile vomiting every few days.

The girls' dad, after six months, finally procured dental insurance for the girls and me.  He is a retired Navy vet, and he has a full-time-plus job.  There is no reason why we should have had to pay for my last appointment out of pocket, and had to cancel the girls' last appointment.  He is a lazy bastard who I had to threaten to kick out of the garage before he would get dental insurance.

He also called a clinical Psychologist today.  Again, because I threatened to kick him out if he didn't. If that motherfucker doesn't learn how to not be a lazy bastard, I will still kick him out.

Speaking of insurance, our medical changed carriers this year.  There is apparently mass confusion and mayhem occurring.  I don't know if/when Sasha's DHE will get approved but it hasn't happened yet.  If/when it does we'll have 30 days to pull the trigger, maybe 60.  The UCSF scheduler also just changed, so confusion at both ends is not ideal.  Thankfully, Sasha has taken an upturn and cared for Emily this morning because...

Emily has a cold and I was up all night for no apparent reason.  Thanks brain!  Em had a couple good days and then started coughing today, no doubt due to our recent visit to the GPs office.  We had to follow up there since her recent nausea/vomiting game did not include pain and was therefore not obviously migraine, meaning other things had to be ruled out.  The cold is just a bonus and I pray it's not the great Flupocalypse of 2018.  If/when Emily's persistent nausea and regular vomiting return, we know which med to increase, and we will make the trek to UCSF.  So we have a plan.

And now maybe that I've written it all out, I will sleep tonight.  Gah, last night was horrible.  I didn't go to sleep until past 4AM, it was bonkers.  But as of today there is a lot more settled that was unknown yesterday.  I think this bodes well for sleep.  I even changed my pillowcases because the pestilent child laid down in my bed today, which should lend more peace of mind to my cause.  In bonus good news, I'm getting better at the Rubik's cube.  Oh beautiful, orderly, six-sided wonderful, three dimensional wonder.  *weeping at the beauty of it*  (I'm fine, really) [sitting in bed, rocking, twisting cube back and forth just to hear the sound it makes]

Oh wait!!  One of the ladies at the pharmacy asked me if I cut my hair, which was awesome because I had a had on that covers my entire head.  I mean, it probably signifies that I'm there too often, or have been over the years.  Anyway I showed here the purple mohawk that lay hidden underneath and it felt like show-and-tell, it was fun.  I'm pretty sure she just though it was super weird, but that's ok because I LOVE IT.

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