We had a seriously stellar weekend. The main component of stellarness for me was that for two days in a row now, I haven't had a migraine. As someone whose brain is in a constant state of migraine, that's kind of a hard thing to define. Perhaps more accurately, I haven't had any symptoms this weekend beside normal fatigue and light sensitivity, which is to say no nausea, no pain, no brain fog. HUGE STUFF MAN!!! Normal fatigue dictates I still take a nap every day, and normal photophobia says "Always wear your hat and shades outside" but other than that, we did stellar stuff these past two days, I'll tell you all about it.
One of the biggest things we did was really get the girls' toys in the office under control. We have been purging for a while, ever since I went berzerkers when I realized the state of crap their bookshelves were in. They have kept their shelves neat upon threat of pain and dismemberment, and we have just rolled on from there into the office. Several bags of trashed and donated toys later, and everything has and is in a place. [ie not on the floor] Plus I purchased a bomb storage ottoman today (whilst having some Emily time mind you) that even came with internal, adjustable dividers! Target baby, gotta' love Target. Tomorrow I may very well purchase another for the girls' bedroom and their stuffed animals at Sasha's request. I'd like to keep the organization party rolling, don't'cha know?
We also managed general maintenance upon their room, and cleaned out the storage bins under the chalkboard/whiteboard easel. Also we processed food, ran errands, played outside, and did general Sasha migraine management which takes a lot of emotional and physical energy. But basically, it felt so much more akin to normal than any other weekend we've had lately. I think some of us even caught showers or something. OH!!! I also got to hang out with one of my oldest and bestest friends on Friday, who took me out for ice cream. Ice Cream! Did I mention Friday was the day I finished the bitchin' set of cardboard hummingbird wings I made out of nowhere, and mailed off during errands on Saturday?!?!? I'm not joking when I say stellar!
Right about........NOW is when I usually start longing for more days when the migraine stays asleep so I can prance about in this alternate reality where I am a more functional human. Shoot, I even thought about playing the guitar yesterday! A couple more days of this and I actually will. But right now I'm just really happy about the two/three days of awesome we just had. I realize it seems the world is falling apart, but my world falls apart every damn day, at least three times give or take. I just can't bring myself to even be a little bit afraid of terrorism. They are the weak ones you guys, and all they can create is temporary chaos before disappearing into oblivion. When we create anything beautiful, we triumph. I think we have to keep creating, and certainly not be afraid.
Hm. It's always dreadful to feel good for a while, and then get all migrainey again. But perhaps we made real progress in these glorious two/three days. I know within the context of this short and vaporous life, the road sure seems long and torturous. Maybe I'll be able to keep calm and keep creating. Chaos sucks for sure, but I hope we're being as proactive as possible in this fight.
This post brings me to happy tears. I'm so happy you have had some amazing "normal" days. :) Praying you can have more of them. Thanks for the encouraging words about chaos and creativity. :) -Jennifer T.