It's not that trump got the most electoral votes, it's that so many people voted for him. And for those saying "This is how democracy works!", I beg to differ. This is how democracy is broken. Hillary is winning the popular vote. Still, that it's by such a slim margin is where my discomfort lies. I must ask how this happened, how such a vile, lying hate monger triumphed. I guess it's the same story told over and over. We humans never learn, and are doomed to repeat history and song and tale until our dying day, may it be ever so swift.
When I say ignorance and hate prevailed, I don't mean in some unplaceable way. I mean people either truly cannot grasp that trump is racist, or they find it completely acceptable. I have personally spoken with more people than I care to count who have denied he is the textbook definition of racist. Of course, they were all white people. Privilege white people who probably also lack the self-awareness to realize their own privilege. They run our country now, because they think it it somehow "their" country. Unfuckingbelievable.
Same goes for trump's hate for women, muslims, the disabled, pretty much anyone who isn't a rich, white, land-owning male. Denial or complete acceptance. And I know what he means when he wants to make America anything again. It cannot be a surprise that educated people voted against him. You know, if you can read, write, have ever taken medicine, never got polio, or use modern plumbing, that educated people made that possible? Just sayin.
Even human vileness aside, the man's policies are rubbish, by every single expert account. We're talking catastrophic failure, please fact check me. And now that it's a Republican controlled congress, I'm not sure how great those checks and balances are going to work out. What the hell just happened? Did people not realize this would happen? This is the extent of America's ignorance and hate. It is inexcusable, indefensible, and I have never in my life been more ashamed to be American.
Oh, and the christians who say Jesus is still king, do they not realize that Jesus was also king during the holocaust? During all the wars and genocides that are still happening? It's white male christians who were so gung ho about about trump! Fail, by every account. And now America will reap what it has sewn, because Jesus is king, and consequences exist.
This will never be ok. Let us never bow to voices calling us to say this is ok. Ignorance is not ok, let us continue to learn and love the truth. Hate is not ok, let us love with words and actions which are often difficult and uncomfortable. And let us stand always, not for the privileged who have always had a voice and been in power, but for the powerless and unheard.