This year my Mom is definitely making Christmas happen, as I have not crawled out of the double ear-infection/migraine pit quite yet. Today I showered, took one present out of a box, wrapped one thing, and took a nap. And I'm still tired and unmotivated. And while my ears are still plugged, I did yawn really hard and experience a little bit of pop in one! I'm not gonna lie, it kind of hurt. But I'll take it, because that's gotta be a good thing. I do thank God for the timing of this. I can't imagine trying to get everyone to school all the time. But, I've taken to sleeping the night through again, hallelujah! And even if it's taken a migraine to do so, whatever dude. I will so totally take it at this point. We will have organic broccoli soup for Christmas dinner and I will so totally take that too. I ordered some presents too late to be here for "Christmas" but guess what, Jesus wasn't born on Dec. 25 so I guess they'll be here in time for Jesus' birthday now won't they?!
I keep thinking that tomorrow is Christmas Eve, but I guess that was yesterday. The girls may have to wrap some of Gramma's presents and I don't suppose she'll mind. "Remember that year Mom got way sick and wrote all the neti pot songs? Xmas 2013, huzzah! Jesus was still born." And anyway, I think our church calendar is flawed. Everyone was born, only one person died on the cross for our sins. Easter should be a bigger deal anyway. *shrug* But maybe I'm less romantic about the winter holiday since it's often (and again this year) in the 70s and sunny here for it. Or maybe I'm just not stuck on tradition (except for just being together) and I just don't mind shaking it up. "That year, Christmas was chill. We went easy on the decor, we wore t-shirts, and had soup. And I couldn't hear very well." Maybe I like having a good story to tell, of how life was good anyway. Ugh, even without caramel popcorn with nuts, and iced sugar cookies. I really hate my brain sometimes. At least my kids will never suffer the addiction of "christmas" cookies that my brain is kicking up right now. Jerk brain...
Life, good. Christmas, good. MMJ, good. I'm going to have to get the rest of that poem from my sister..."There were three days 'till Christmas and all was quite nice, when Shirlena was ambushed by miscreant ice..."