Having coffee in the morning with my girls was something to look forward to, like when they grew up. It's so funny, they've always done things early. They both walked at 10 months old, and had huge vocabularies by age 1. So maybe I shouldn't be as thrown to have coffee with the girls when they're 5 and 7? They also want slippers for Christmas. I can just imagine Emily on Christmas morning, putting on her slippers, having some coffee, and reading the paper as she enjoys doing. Welcome to freakville, where everyone gets migraines, some of us are on various controlled substances for them, some of us take caffeine for them, and some of us avoid caffeine because of them. Some of us see a couple different neurologists in theory, one of us is between neurologists, only half of us are tall enough to see over the dashboard, only one of us has ever been on a surfboard, and one of us is named after a surfboard. Every day that three of us successfully make it to school, I think we should win an award. Every day that at least one of us isn't in pain, I think we should win an award. And if there is ever a day where three of us make it to school and no one's in pain AND the house is clean, I think we should win a vacation, or at least a year's worth of sunbutter or something.
It is the last half of November and I am doing pretty well sans botox many thanks to Jesus and medical marijuana, courtesy of the rules of the state of California. Well, the Jesus is courtesy of Jesus. ;-) But about the MMJ, I am pissed that I didn't have this option in college (and that I didn't go to a party school and use this option anyway) when I had a migraine every day. Because now instead of freaking out about running out of meds, and worrying about landing in the hospital, I can both knock out a migraine and also not be high, and also not smoke the stuff. Did you know the plethora of options that are out there folks? This is yet another reason I am pissed at the FDA. I have been in a state of torture for years and finally I feel like I'm getting help without the risk of heart attack like my other rescue meds. So anyway, I'm still working on prevention vs. just rescue. I will get there, oh yes, I will get there.
As much as medical marijuana is a step in the right direction, it is no cure-all. The girls still have food allergies, and I'm still scrambling to figure out why Sasha's stomach has been upset for 11 days, with some barf thrown in for good measure. At least when the girls grow up, they'll have this option. Kids with abdominal migraine usually come with a family history of migraine, and usually develop regular migraine as adults. Bunch of crap man. But life as a functional human being sure is nice. I mean, I still have to take a nap every day and not overdo things, but I can DO things. I'm not the human slug on the couch most days anymore. Geeze...that's huge...
...Hehehe, I guess I'm more like Jabba the Hutt, a huge slug who moves around sometimes, and occasionally bites people's heads off! Speaking of, I think I have time to watch a little Star Wars before I have to pick up any kids from school. I've been doing so much stuff lately, I'm a little behind on my Star Wars. No excuse for that and no time like the present!